Friday, August 22, 2008

Touring Shanghai - Part 1

We set off on Thursday to see some sights in Shanghai that we had not made it to. Since the girls start school Monday, we wanted to get in some more local things. It was probably one of the hottest days so far! Sunny and sweltering.

As we were leaving our lane, we came across our lane guard and gave him one of the state quarters from Missouri. We brought lots of these over to give as little gifts to people who we meet. He is presenting it here, like a gold medal!

Sissy was our tour guide for the day. She was wonderful. Our first stop was in Yu Yuan, the oldest section of town that has been redone. It was bombed out during the Japanese invasion. It is a bit touristy, but most of the tourists are Chinese. The buildings are gorgeous and there are fun shops everywhere.
We went into a silk factory. This is the woman finding the end of the silk string from the cocoon. It gets attached onto the machine just above the cocoons in the tray, and spins up onto the spool on the top.
The silk worm cocoons, one dangling from the machine.
The silk worms that have double eggs in one cocoon can't unravel and are taken apart and made into these pieces of silk. They are stretched and stretched and are used to make silk comforters, among other things. We got to pull and stretch, too.
The beautiful sights of Yu Yuan will follow in the next posting.


1 comment:

Admin said...

I am happy to see your blog.Your way of writing is impressive.It pleases me when i see happy families.But i am a student of Islam,i get worried about their and mine future in the next world.Surely every member of a family has to teave this world for the next world.You look to be found of travelling.I invite you towards Makka and Madina cities in Saudi Arabia,where the last Messenger of the Creator came to guide this whole world.I with my best wishes invite your family towards neutral ,just research of Islam.I hope your whole family will get reward in this and in the next world.
Accept my best wishes for your Family.