Thursday, September 11, 2008

Shanghai Daily

Storey here! Here's some more news of Shanghai daily. This week on Monday we got an ayi to cook for us, we had pot stickers on Tuesday for dinner. We have a different ayi to clean for us she only comes in the moring. We only have PE on Wendsday and Tursday. We get two recesses. The ayi is babysitting us tonight they have to go to a meeting at school. The new books that my dad is writing is Kingdom Keepers 2, Peter and the Starcathers, and Steel Trap 2. I think all of them will be very good so make sure to read them. We hang our clothes on a line instead of using our drying mashine it's for when it rains or snows. That's all for today zai jian ( bye bye)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good that the girls comment on their daily lives. Would be interesting on how their classes are conducted in school. What is the difference schooling is here as regards to the USA? Storey and Faith, how is life here in comparison to your home in USA?
