Election party
There was an election party hosted by the American Consulate, American Chamber of Commerce and American Women's Club of Shanghai at the Hilton. I was amazed when I arrived to see all the others who came to witness the democratic process at work. There were many Chinese, French, New Zealand, Dutch, Scandanavian, Hong Kong, of the ones I could decipher. Everyone was very interested in what would happen. The event began at 8 a.m. Wednesday morning as the Tuesday night election results were just starting to come in. I didn't arrive until about 10:30 but heard people were waiting at the door to enter. There were big screen tv's everywhere, food, hats, flags, balloons and lots of chatting.
This is when the announcement was first made (I love the Chinese flag hanging with the other American goo gaw!) and then. . .
there was a standing O for O. Lots of cheering and tears. It was quite moving.
Revelers Marcelle & Julie with the party hats on!
Obama. I am sure you have all seen these shots, and in a much clearer fashion, but I am recording it here! Below, post election lunch at the French Bistro La Saleya across the street from our lane where Julie and I met up with Ridley just returning from teaching at Fudan. He had been keeping up on the action via Blackberry during class! During our celebration lunch, we got a call from school. Paige had fractured her arm! She is great and we had a wonderful experience at our local hospital down the street that has a floor just for expats. She needed nothing more than x-rays and a cast. We were sheparded everywhere and were out of there in an hour and a half. No fuss no muss. She is already ready to be gone with it! After all, there is a holiday dance coming up December 5th!
Hi guys.
So sorry about that Paige. I know you'll be okay, just freaked me out a sec.
It was moving for many people here too. WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! Can't wait for December 12th.
:) Tanner
Hi Marcelle, Looks so peaceful over there. The moon looks so amazing.
So glad Obama won for the president to be. I know he will fix it up. Such a strong speaking man, and so calm.
Later Tater,
Hello Paige,
You will be fine with your fractered arm. I know you will having everyone signing or putting writing on it.
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