Tuesday, December 9, 2008

10 December

Last night was Storey's Holiday program. She is the one closest to us on the top row. If you click on the photo you may get a better shot. Playing the violin. It was a 3rd, 4th and 5th grade performance with singing and various bands playing. When 100 kids from about 40 different countries are singing about peace in the world, it is pretty moving. It was a fun night.

Marianne and Luci are here, arrived Monday, and Marianne has a real camera and took better pictures that maybe I can post later.

Another photo to click on to enlarge, and even then I can't promise you will see what I saw. I was in a taxi on my way to the dentist (my crown came off with some yummy caramel) and I looked out of the window and dangling halfway down the corner of this tall building was a worker cleaning the building. Not the windows, just the corner of the building! Do we clean buildings in America? I have never seen it myself. But unbelievable to watch him swinging around so high up and rappelling floor to floor to wipe off concrete 20 stories up.
Paige indulged me - she hates all the pictures I take. Grammy Lu wanted to see her outfit for the winter dance. She had gone out with a friend (I was lurking in the background) and bought this darling dress with green sweater for the semi-formal winter dance. Another fun night of dancing and hanging with friends.
Mmmmmm..... Don't look too closely! A bike with a basket of live chickens in the back to choose the freshest one from. Dressing of the chosen chicken on the sidewalk right beside.
Storey had a friend spend the night, and the next morning we headed off to a ceramics class I had heard about at Taikong Lu. Freezing in the room, but lots of fun getting hands into the clay. A long held desire of Storey's since we arrived in Shanghai.

Later that day Storey and I headed to the roof top cafe of the Shanghai Art Museum for a Girl Scout Mother/Daughter tea and cookie swap. We came home laden with home-sweeet-home tasting cookies: sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, gooey butter cookies, oatmeal cookies. And one mom even found the recipe for and made Tagalong cookies! That is only about half the group of girls and half the table chock full of goodies.

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