Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Lane update

OK. I woke up this morning to an email from my mom saying, "Get going on the blog!" We have been a tad busy, so here are a few updates!

The continued manual labor on the lane, digging up, hauling out, ditches, pipes, filling in and now cementing. The amount of labor involved continues to astound us, and as we were discussing last night, it is all for the storm drain. One might think that with all this labor and effort of digging up the whole lane, they might also replace the other water pipes, bury phone and electrical wires, lay in cable for the ever expanding internet for 3 years down the road. No. All this work is just for the storm drain. Hopefully they don't dig it up again while we are here for the other necessities of the lane!
We always have to give ourselves a few extra minutes to get out of the lane as we usually get behind several wheelbarrows getting filled and rolled out. There is no thought of letting anyone pass by, unless you jump into the ditch!
We woke up Monday morning to the main lane having been poured over night. Half the lane stable again.
This is out our bedroom window last night, around midnight. They are pouring our lane. The concrete is being mixed by hand at the end of the lane (pictured in previous posts), wheeled down quickly and poured into the frames that had been built yesterday. There was such a racket going! No care that people might be sleeping at midnight. Lots of yelling, banging, hammering, rolling. They actually were finished about an hour later, and it quieted down.

Storey ran out our door first thing this morning, trying to get at the concrete while it was still wet! She is leaving her mark in Shanghai.
This is literally off our front step. It does look like the lane is going to paved on top of this concrete, like they did the sidewalks this fall.


julieahern said...

Hello Mama Lulu from China Juju!!

(And why is my word verification scurued? Is that really a word?)

Anonymous said...

Marcelle, Tell Julie I said Hello too. Loved all the new pictures and especially the ones of Storey and Paige. Love you all,

Grammy Lu