Tuesday, October 21, 2008

As you can see, I have a free morning and the use of Ridley's office where the internet is 100% faster than at my dining room table office! I am trying to catch up and finish posting the photos of our trip before he returns. We are going back in time. . . Nancy was still here, and we went to YuYuan Gardens, saw the silk factory and the famous tea house with the 9 turns bridge (this is so ghosts, who can only go straight, can't make the turns and get into the teahouse).

The teahouse with the tallest observation deck in the world, currently, in the background. This epitomizes this city of new and old mixed together.
Pedicabs to the fabric mart to pick up items ordered before our trip. It was a wild ride! All the more fun.
The Plaza where we do all our banking! A frequently visited place. It also has a great restaurant, Element Fresh.
After taking Nancy to the airport, Ridley and I took the Maglev and subway back home. A good reminder for any time, although it was for boarding the maglev. "Take care and be gentle".

It took 7 minutes to get from the airport to the subway stop. This ride on the highway took us 2 hours when Mom and Nancy arrived. A nice alternative. The maglev runs on magnets, and has an incredibly smooth ride. Now our preferred way of getting to and from the airport.

We had an evening in paradise when friends showed up for an evening on the town. We are on the Bund, over looking the Huangpu and the Pudong side of Shanghai at a splendid restaurant, The Cupola. More than words can describe. Service designed for royalty and food outrageously good!

Our fascinating dining partners of the evening.
We were overlooking the patio of M on the Bund, another treasure of a restaurant, that we had been to the week before with mom, Nancy and the girls. It is a magical place that defies real description. We overlook the river with boats of all kinds moving, many with bright neon lights. The lights and buildings of Pudong, the new section of Shanghai, shine on our faces. The old customs building with the tallest clock tower chimes every half hour while the sounds of a saxophone being played on the Bund boardwalk wafts up to us, intermingled with the sound of a jackhammer tearing the street apart for a plaza being built. This city never sleeps, and workers never end the day! It is an overwhelming and wonderful assault on the senses. Including, of course, the gastronomic sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey i love your photos..they are really nice..